Saturday, July 3, 2010

Doctor status: fat

Did I tell you how my parents over-feed my cat? If they have him for a couple of days, he usually comes back with a new chin. This time, he was with them for a few weeks, and, as a result, now resembles a small beer keg. It's amazing I can see his legs at all. I think he also gets in-between-meal snacks if Mum and Dad are feeling anxious or upset. And they were, so... hence my now-enormous cat. Anyone got any diet tips? I tried putting his food on high surfaces so he had to do some exercise to reach it, but then he fell off the top of the stereo and I felt bad. And then I gave him extra food. Ruby: the enabler.

I'm back, by the way. This is no longer Dad. (Thank you, father, for alarming my guests with your presence.) Where was I? For those of you who saw something about the Empire in the paper, no further explanation will be necessary. For those of you who did not, let's just say work became all-consuming for a while. But it's over now.

Well, it's not entirely over. I don't know how to explain it. I'm trying to put the pieces together but some things still don't want to fit. Anise said I look different. I checked in the mirror: not really. The difference to me is all internal. But I think I'm getting better. I feel better.

I feel better.

I do.